i missed you fellow bloggers! i went to restart my comp about 2 weeks ago & the screen to put the password in wouldn't come up! it's still down, but i am on ryan's laptop :) then we lost our internet. that sucked. haha. i will try to recap the past 19 days...well not everyday...
jason was finally taken off the waiting list for school! he started pre-k. he goes for a few hours in the morning. he absolutely loves it. he even got to sing a christmas song on stage! for only being there 3 days he rocked! he yelled yay! at the end. the audience loved it. i was so proud of my little man. i had tears!! he even made me a christmas present. it was a frame made out of popsicle sticks with a pic of santa & him. adorable. i am so happy he loves school!
that boy has come up a few times over the past 2 weeks. he came up wed & spent the night. mel invited us over for a oh so delicious meal, lasaqne. it rocked. we smoked hooka, played games, & drank lots of wine. came home & crashed. he went home thurs night & i went to work. yay.
huge storm hit fri-sun. i was scheduled to work that fri night. i was told we were going to close early...but they didn't. i called in. i walk to work, fuck that shit. they were mad, but ended up closing at 8. oh well. that boy came up again to spend the weekend with me. it was nice. we shoveled. haha. ryan had the brilliant idea to go sledding down our hill. that was a bust. worked the next night. it was dead. kim was the closing mgr, so it was all good. did some christmas shopping with mel & that boy. got the vmotion! haha, that was a mission. we went to toysrus for that. sign said $70, but paid $60. i wanted to get it at walmart seeing how it was only $50. ryan told me she didn't see it there, so i just grabbed it at toysus. went to kmart after that then to wal mart. where we found the vmotion for $50!! it was in a random aisle in a big display case. mel bought it & then later returned the other one to toysrus. worked out well! snowed even more the next day. walked to white hen with that boy. haha, that was an interesting walk in all that snow. drank some beers thanks to matt matt. that boy went home the next day & i went to work. joy. thank god the holidays are over. only thing that sucks is how bad my hours drop. argh.
gee came over christmas eve & dressed up as santa to give the kids there christmas eve jammies. it was awesome! christmas was nice. even with some assholes buying jason the vmotion AND the kung fu panda game knowing this is what i planned on getting him. i have been talking about it for 2 months. they gave it to him on christmas eve when they saw him. when jason's father brought him back to me & i told me i was ready to start throwing pans...fuck dishes. i was rip shit. they took away something i wanted so bad. next year fuck the christmas eve shit. jason can see his dad christmas night or the day after. i am not going through this again. i was absolutely heart broken. when jason opened the one from me, he was still happy. he def would have been more thrilled if he didn't open the same thing the night before. assholes. however, he was super excited over the drum set, bowling pin set, & geotrax airplane. it was a relaxing christmas. very much enjoyable. gee, kim, & mel came over in the afternoon. baby jim came by later on in the day. had a delicious meal!! we run around like crazy ppl on thanksgiving, so this was a very nice change of pace.
worked the day after christmas. i have a week off. i have been doing nada. lol. went out for indian food last night with mel, jason, & her brother. it was, uh, interesting food. very spicey. it was good to get out that. i had a rough day for some reason. my father has been driving me nuts. bitching about everything & anything. stress. miss jennie la came over for a few hours today! that was cool. talked & chilled. i love having that girl back in my life!! i missed her!!
1 comment:
and i am glad to be back in your life! and to have gained jimbo*
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